Event planners know that arranging for their big day is a lot of work. Hosting your event outdoors only adds to your troubles. Providing the proper permits, arranging for any food or entertainment and choosing the appropriate venue is enough work on its own, and that is before even considering how you will keep your event clean.
Many event organizers make the mistake that cleanliness will work itself out over the course of your event. While you may get lucky, it’s better not to leave your event’s cleanliness and sanitation to chance. In a recent survey conducted by the portable restroom operators at Mr. John, nearly 70 percent of respondents agreed that cleanliness is among the top factors when deciding to attend an outdoor event.

At outdoor events, staying clean is clearly a deciding factor for many of your potential guests. Follow along as we explore the results of our survey a bit more, uncovering areas where you can contribute to a superior user experience to keep your guests satisfied for any event big or small.
The Importance of Keeping Your Event Clean
Regardless of its size, keeping your outdoor event clean is essential to its success. In the end, it’s all about keeping your guests and attendees as comfortable as possible. Regardless of an attendee’s gender, age, or where they are from, cleanliness remains a significant factor when deciding to attend an outdoor event.

When it comes to planning your outdoor event, it’s easy to overlook some of the smaller details. If you want your day to go off without any problems or snafus, keeping it clean should be high on your priority list. With some careful planning, and help from a professional sanitation supplier, you will be one step closer to embracing the outdoors and hosting an event your guests will love.
Keeping Your Event Clean
Keeping your outdoor event clean and sanitary begins by having a plan. This is where working alongside a professional sanitation provider can pay off. No matter if you are hosting a small wedding, a family reunion, a community festival or city-wide carnival, your ability to keep clean can easily make or break the success of your event.
- Portable Toilets and Restroom Trailers to Satisfy Bladders
Regardless of how long they try to hold out, the odds are that your attendees will have to go to the bathroom at some point during your event. Make the trip to the restroom convenient and comfortable for all of your guests by renting portable bathrooms and toilet trailers to meet all of your sanitation needs.
Porta potties and portable restroom trailer rentals come in a range of options to offer your guests unparalleled comfort and convenience when it comes time to run to the restroom. Work with a professional portable toilet company in your area to define your event’s needs and start making your sanitation plan.
- Sanitation Accessories and Accommodating Special Needs
If you are expecting a large number of people at your event, preventing the spread of germs should be a top priority. This is especially true if you plan to serve food or drink during the festivities. While most portable toilet rentals come equipped with hand sanitizing stations, portable handwashing stations and sinks are an ideal solution to offer your guests the opportunity to give their hands a good, thorough cleaning.
Not all events are created equally, and some require providing a little extra for your guests. Accommodating for your guests who have special needs will help keep everyone in attendance happy all day long. If seniors or handicapped individuals are expected to attend, opt for a few wheelchair accessible toilet rentals alongside your standard units. If you are hoping for your event to be a family-friendly affair, make sure you have family-sized porta potties with diaper changing stations on hand to handle guests young and old.

When organizing any outdoor event, providing your guests with superior comfort and cleanliness is the key to success. Make sure your next event meets the mark with help from the portable sanitation pros at Mr. John. Since 1964, the family owned and operated Mr. John has provided event organizers all across Western Pennsylvania with their high-quality customer service and wide range of porta potty rentals & sanitation supplies. Your ability to keep clean and sanitary should not be what derails the success of your next event. Make sure you have all the sanitation services you could ever need by contacting Mr. John today.